
All the commands accept -h parameter for help, e.g.:

> iconetl export_blocks_and_transactions -h

Usage: iconetl export_blocks_and_transactions [OPTIONS]

  Exports blocks and transactions.

  -s, --start-block INTEGER   Start block  [default: 0]
  -e, --end-block INTEGER     End block  [required]
  -b, --batch-size INTEGER    The number of blocks to export at a time.
                              [default: 100]
  -p, --provider-uri TEXT     The URI of the node endpoint  [default:
  -w, --max-workers INTEGER   The maximum number of workers.  [default: 5]
  --blocks-output TEXT        The output file for blocks. If not provided
                              blocks will not be exported. Use "-" for stdout
  --transactions-output TEXT  The output file for transactions. If not
                              provided transactions will not be exported. Use
                              "-" for stdout
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

For the --output parameters the supported types are csv and json. The format type is inferred from the output file name.


> iconetl export_blocks_and_transactions --start-block 0 --end-block 500000 \
--provider-uri \
--blocks-output blocks.csv --transactions-output transactions.csv

Omit --blocks-output or --transactions-output options if you want to export only transactions/blocks.

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Blocks and transactions schema.


First extract transaction hashes from transactions.csv (Exported with export_blocks_and_transactions):

> iconetl extract_csv_column --input transactions.csv --column hash --output transaction_hashes.txt

Then export receipts and logs:

> iconetl export_receipts_and_logs --transaction-hashes transaction_hashes.txt \
--provider-uri --receipts-output receipts.csv --logs-output logs.csv

Omit --receipts-output or --logs-output options if you want to export only logs/receipts.

You can tune --batch-size, --max-workers for performance.

Receipts and logs schema.


> iconetl get_block_range_for_date --provider-uri= --date 2019-01-01